Veronica Civiero, Head of social, content and influencer strategies - L'Oréal
Garden Trends Report 2019 | HORIZON ORLANDELLI
We, Orlandelli Group, founders of this event, would like to thanks everyone who participated to this fair which, undoubtedly, become a landmark event for the entire Italian’s floriculture.
Thanks to Myplant & Garden and the homonymous Consortium, to the VGcrea Agency, to Milano Fair and Unicredit bank, to EXPO 2015, the Ministry of agriculture, to all the associations that supported our Media partners and us.
An important Event with the world famous Architect Ernest Wertheim as guest took place in Mantua last july, 31: 94 years old, from San Francisco, he is universally recognized, after more than 60 years of activity, as one of the worldwide leader in Garden Center design.
Organizzazione Orlandelli was awarded from "The Garden Center Group" last January at the TPIE show held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The Garden Center Group is an association that includes more than 120 american Garden Centers and that awarded us for our concept called "COMBO".
Go mobile with the first professional landscape design solution for iPad and Android Tablets - PRO Landscape Companion. PRO Landscape Companion gives you additional advantages over your competitors.
Thanks to its snap system for opening/closing, this exhibitor is great for anyone who has a need for easy and frequent moves.