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Retail Renaissance: Turner Garden renovates their Greenhouse to drive sales for 2021

Retail Renaissance: Turner Garden renovates their Greenhouse to drive sales for 2021
Turner Home and Garden Center, at 100,000 square foot, is the flagship store, serving the finest products in indoor and outdoor living to all of northeast Florida.
Orlandelli's exhibiting solutions chosen for freshening up Minter Country Garden's look & feel

Orlandelli's exhibiting solutions chosen for freshening up Minter Country Garden's look & feel
Today, in addition to approximately 1 acre of covered customer shopping area, we have 2 acres of outdoor retail nursery, 15 greenhouses and a farming field we use for growing small crops of specialty items.
Marco Orlandelli's speech in Moscow

Marco Orlandelli's speech in Moscow
Summing up of the first two keywords: Improve life quality with flowers and plants Create Emotions with flowers and plants The last keyword of today’s speech is: Money-Money-Money If we follow the rules I explained in my lecture, to make money is the logical conclusion because: Garden Center is Green Market and Green market is PROFIT earnings and the incoming The Garden Center, if [...]
Enhance the Green World's Value

Enhance the Green World's Value
Communication > Fairs and events > Enhance the Green World's Value Enhance the Green World's Value 05/08/2013 - 05/08/2013 John and Beverly, thank you very much for inviting me here today.  My mission is to turn my dream into reality:  “Enhance the Green world’s value”. And I love to share this dream, my reality show, with you all, you wonderful people. I aim to [...]
Held the 2nd EUROPEAN FORUM D.I.Y. 2012

Held the 2nd EUROPEAN FORUM D.I.Y. 2012
Design > Testimonial > Held the 2nd EUROPEAN FORUM D.I.Y. 2012 Held the 2nd EUROPEAN FORUM D.I.Y. 2012 Everything starts the day before the main event and there I realized immediately that in Paris, like in Wien last year and in Brussels the year before, the organizational structure of the two Associations EDRA and FEDIYMA that collects the most famous names of DIY and the main suppliers of [...]
Garden Centre OverView

Garden Centre OverView
Communication > Fairs and events > Garden Centre OverView Garden Centre OverView 10/29/2013 - 10/29/2013 Hello to everyone.  Do you know why I was call to speech to this Conference? It is because I have a background in the Garden Centre business. I own one as well and thanks to some activities I do, my job, I have met and visited Garden Centers all around the world. Many of these [...]
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