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Cultivate 2018

14/07/2018 - 17/07/2018

Cultivate 2018
Cultivate 2018

Starting with the basics, Cultivate is a trade show + education series + networking event that equals a good time and an unforgettable experience. But it’s not all fun and games (mostly, but not all). At the heart of Cultivate is a commitment to good business and your ultimate success. Cultivate does what you can’t do in the day in and day out grind of growing, managing, marketing, planning, installing, and selling -- it condenses knowledge, resources, ideas, new products, new varieties, innovation, trends, and the most dynamic mix of professionals into one place so all you have to do is one thing: make time to make money.

JULY 14-17, 2018
Greater Columbus Convention Center
BOOTH #3425

400 North High Street
Columbus OH 43215