Top Bench / Mezzanine Wood line AMOR
price each€395.00VAT Excluded
Suitable for application on 1660 x 3060 mm
CharacteristicsShipping costs
490 x 2100 mm
690 x 2560 mm
701 x 3081 mm
Order summary:
price each€395.00
products total€1,185.00
Order total€1,185.00
Minimum order quantity: 3
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NEW Garden Center Furniture - Wood line AMOR
It is equipped with water tray and drain-cock with filter to avoid dirt and foliage accumulation.
The customer can choose to add swivel wheels or the application of adjustable height trestles with release system or with fixed height tops studied for wheels.
The polystyrene shelf is non-glare, high resistant to UV radiations with an height to the border of 60 mm and it is has filter and drain-cock. Its fretted forms avoid water stagnation and it becomes ideal for ebb and flow system irrigations. The sleepers' array guarantee a maximum loading capacity of 70 kg/m². profili del bancale rialzato sono in legno sbiancato e sono personalizzabili secondo le richieste dei clienti risultando una delle soluzioni di arredamento per garden center più dinamiche sul mercato.
Design features
The top bench profiles are in bleached wood and can be customized according to customers requirements, this making this furniture one of the most ynamic furnishing solutions for garden centers on the market.
The sructure of this top bench is made from a primary extruded aluminum alloy based on a design, which makes it extremely light ad easy to handle.
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