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ORLANDELLI HORIZON - Social Networks for Garden Centers

ORLANDELLI HORIZON - Social Networks for Garden Centers

Veronica Civiero, Head of social, content and influencer strategies - L'Oréal



Garden Trends Report 2019 | HORIZON ORLANDELLI




Orlandelli at Myplant & Garden 2016

Orlandelli at Myplant & Garden 2016

We, Orlandelli Group, founders of this event, would like to thanks everyone who participated to this fair which, undoubtedly, become a landmark event for the entire Italian’s floriculture.

Myplant & Garden

Myplant & Garden

Thanks to Myplant & Garden and the homonymous Consortium, to the VGcrea Agency, to Milano Fair and Unicredit bank, to EXPO 2015, the Ministry of agriculture, to all the associations that supported our Media partners and us.

July 31, 2014: Ernest Wertheim was guest of Organizzazione Orlandelli

July 31, 2014: Ernest Wertheim was guest of Organizzazione Orlandelli

An important Event with the world famous Architect Ernest Wertheim as guest took place in Mantua last july, 31: 94 years old, from San Francisco, he is universally recognized, after more than 60 years of activity, as one of the worldwide leader in Garden Center design.

Organizzazione Orlandelli hat bei TPIE Show in Miami ausgezeichnet

Organizzazione Orlandelli hat bei TPIE Show in Miami ausgezeichnet

Organizzazione Orlandelli was awarded from "The Garden Center Group" last January at the TPIE show held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The Garden Center Group is an association that includes more than 120 american Garden Centers and that awarded us for our concept called "COMBO". 

PRO Landscape Companion: Go Mobile with Your Free Tablet App

PRO Landscape Companion: Go Mobile with Your Free Tablet App

Go mobile with the first professional landscape design solution for iPad and Android Tablets - PRO Landscape Companion. PRO Landscape Companion gives you additional advantages over your competitors.

CABRIOLET CART: from transportation to exhibition in one CLICK

CABRIOLET CART: from transportation to exhibition in one CLICK

Thanks to its snap system for opening/closing, this exhibitor is great for anyone who has a need for easy and frequent moves.

COMBO: The AESTHETIC VALUE of plants and flowers

COMBO: The AESTHETIC VALUE of plants and flowers

The Entergreen Team developed a new concept to improve sales in the entire chain from producer to wholesaler, for Garden Centre and large retailers.

PRO Landscape Companion Overview video

PRO Landscape Companion Overview video

Go mobile with the first professional landscape design solution for iPad and Android Tablets - PRO Landscape Companion. PRO Landscape Companion gives you additional advantages over your competitors.

Interview to Colin Squire

Interview to Colin Squire

Colin Squire is the son of the founder D.J Squire and grew up with the business. He formally joined the company in 1956 after his National Service. He trained in architecture at Kingston School of Art (now Kingston University) and in Landscape design at University College London.

Interview with Ugo Orlandelli

Interview with Ugo Orlandelli

The founder of the Orlandelli Group tells his his life to the Arturo Croci's microphone. 
Orlandelli Ugo, founder of Organizzazione Orlandelli in 1983, after a few years created Valle dei Fiori Garden Centre, one of the biggest Italian garden centres and doubtlessly one of the most innovative, which is still currently a model to be followed for its philosophy, displaying features and competitive prices.

DIY GLOBAL, 150 words about Organizzazione Orlandelli

DIY GLOBAL, 150 words about Organizzazione Orlandelli

Organizzazione Orlandelli is a worldwide leading company in designing and manufacturing display solutions for pot plants and flowers.
For more than 30 years the company has been engaged in the floricultural sector, proposing innovative, practical and professional solutions such as carts and trolleys for all purposes and efficient display benches for garden centres, DIY stores and supermarket chains.

Dubai Garden Centre

Dubai Garden Centre

Dubai Garden Centre, the most beautiful and biggest Garden Centre in Dubai chose the Organizzazione Orlandelli’ s displays for indoor and outdoor plants. We’re honored by this decision because we consider this Garden Centre an example of a dynamic marketing in this business. The example is this video able to take advantage of the modern trends!

Passion for tradition

Passion for tradition

"Passion for tradition" Paris speech by Marco Orlandelli.
Everything starts the day before the main event and there I realized immediately that in Paris, like in Wien last year and in Brussels the year before, the organizational structure of the two Associations EDRA and FEDIYMA that collects the most famous names of DIY and the main suppliers of Mass Retail, has worked excellently.

 Supply for a Garden Center in Russia, TVOY DOM

Supply for a Garden Center in Russia, TVOY DOM

Even the luxurious and immense plants’ and flowers’ shop of the chain "Tvoy Dom", part of the Crocus Group, has chosen Organizzazione Orlandelli furnishings to furnish the indoor and outdoor exhibition areas dedicated to the Garden Centre.

RUSSIA - MOSCOW - The official opening of the Garden Center in a new format!

RUSSIA - MOSCOW - The official opening of the Garden Center in a new format!

On 18 August, near Moscow, was inaugurated the first Garden Center "Russkiy Ogorod" part of the project "System of Garden Centres."

Video tutorial for PRO Landscape - How to project green areas

Video tutorial for PRO Landscape - How to project green areas

This video is a short tutorial for PRO Landscape software, the Industry Leading Landscape Design Software!

Easy-to-use, Fast, Powerful: the standard in design software for landscape professionals, Pool Design, Garden centres, terraces, parks, greenhouses, flower decorations, Street furniture, irrigation plants…
Automatic 3D MODEL, fully compatible with all CAD formats.

PRO Landscape software easy to use

PRO Landscape software easy to use

Pro-Landscape software is a program for gardeners, landscapers and people working in the green.
The software for gardens Pro-Landscape works both on planimetrical side and on photographical one. 

Aluminium low cost bench for greenhouses and nurseries

Aluminium low cost bench for greenhouses and nurseries

The video explains the features of low cost bench for greenhouses and nurseries.
The bench was designed to provide to the operators of greenhouses, nurseries, garden centers and stores of plants and flowers, a saving on the welded line of the bench. 

Danish Cabriolet trolley

Danish Cabriolet trolley

The Cabriolet trolley for displaying plants and flowers is born from the Unistandard Danese trolley, ideal equipment for the design of nurseries, garden centers and flower and plants shop. 

Confindustria Mantova and Organizzazione Orlandelli

Confindustria Mantova and Organizzazione Orlandelli

Organizzazione Orlandelli, with the aim to enhance the company’s profile, believes in the Associative spirit both in the Horticultural industry, being associated with Conaflor s.c.r.l. 

Garden center forniture

Garden center forniture

The modular grating shelving are perfect furniture for shops, garden centers and supermarkets. The main feature of the structure is the arc metal grid structure. 

Automatic wrapping machine

Automatic wrapping machine

Video explaining the operation of the automatic wrapping machine.
Automatic wrapping machine is ideal for packing trolleys and pallets of flowers and is complete with dimmer board, variable speed, soft start device (allows you to start gently and gradually the rotary table), with trolley locking ramp.

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