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Results: 80 - pag 7/8«678»
About us, History, company horti-floricultural field

About us, History, company horti-floricultural field
  The main activities of Organizzazione Orlandelli are divided into the following areas: ORLANDELLI FOR RETAIL   ORLANDELLI FOR GROWERS Design and layout for retail spaces: development of layouts and display solutions for sales areas dedicated to plants and flowers. Supply of retail equipment: furniture for garden centers, display [...]
Danish Cabriolet trolley

Danish Cabriolet trolley
Communication > Video > Danish Cabriolet trolley Danish Cabriolet trolley The Cabriolet trolley for displaying plants and flowers is born from the Unistandard Danese trolley, ideal equipment for the design of nurseries, garden centers and flower and plants shop. The [...]
DIVA - Display Italia Viscom Award

DIVA - Display Italia Viscom Award
Communication > News > DIVA - Display Italia Viscom Award DIVA - Display Italia Viscom Award 10/01/2019 The world of flowers and plants meets the planet of design thanks to Organizzazione Orlandelli's Cabriolet trolley, which was awarded by Display Italia Viscom Award's jury, the competition within [...]
DIY GLOBAL, 150 words about Organizzazione Orlandelli

DIY GLOBAL, 150 words about Organizzazione Orlandelli
Communication > Video > DIY GLOBAL, 150 words about Organizzazione Orlandelli DIY GLOBAL, 150 words about Organizzazione Orlandelli Please accept preferences, statistics, marketing cookies to see this content Organizzazione Orlandelli is a worldwide leading company in designing and manufacturing display solutions for pot plants and flowers. For more than 30 [...]
EIMA international 2022 - Bologna

EIMA international 2022 - Bologna
At our stand, you will find displays for the sale of plants and flowers, trolleys for display and handling of plants and flowers, as well as trolleys for growing plants and flowers. We are looking forward to showing you these and other products live:   CABRIOLET [...]
IPM ESSEN 2023 - Germany

IPM ESSEN 2023 - Germany
What you will find Our staff will be at your disposal to show you our solutions from growth to handling and display in the points of sale. At our stand, you will find displays for the sale of plants and flowers, trolleys for display and handling of plants and flowers, as well as [...]
Automatic wrapping machine

Automatic wrapping machine
Automatic wrapping machine is ideal for packing trolleys and pallets of flowers and is complete with dimmer board, variable speed, soft start device (allows you to start gently and gradually the rotary table), with trolley locking ramp. In the demo video, the displaying trolley with plants is placed in [...]
Discover new display ideas for your plants and flowers

Discover new display ideas for your plants and flowers
Communication > Fairs and events > Discover new display ideas for your plants and flowers Discover new display ideas for your plants and flowers 12/01/2020 - 02/28/2021 How to use the online services of orlandelli Only two steps: fill in the  contact form  or call us at 0376 960311 We send you an email with a [...]
Myplant & Garden 2023 - Milan

Myplant & Garden 2023 - Milan
What you will find Our staff will be at your disposal to show you our solutions from growth to handling and display in the points of sale. At our stand, you will find displays for the sale of plants and flowers, trolleys for display and handling of plants and flowers, as well as [...]
The new DC water tray

The new DC water tray
  This new water tray for DC and CC trolleys, the universal logistic tool used in the floriculture and plant sectors, has outstanding technical features covered by a patent. The DC water tray offers several advantages, the most notable ones being: IRRIGATION : the main purpose of the tray is to irrigate the plants on the trolleys. ... This distinctive [...]
Results: 80 - pag 7/8«678»