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Purchasing guide, purchasing guide, selling products for nurseries and greenhouses

Purchasing guide, purchasing guide, selling products for nurseries and greenhouses
The steps for completing an order are the following: 1) Order summary : in this step the items present in the shopping cart may be eliminated or their quantity modified: the "Continue order" button leads to the next step. 2) Personal information : the data necessary for the purchase, relative receipt and delivery is requested; the obligatory fields to completed are indicated by a [...]
Security, safety, equipment sales for nurseries and greenhouses

Security, safety, equipment sales for nurseries and greenhouses
At the end of the procedure a page will be displayed with the confirmation of the payment and a receipt of the credit card transaction will be sent directly to the bank by e-mail. ... The goods will be shipped when we’ll receve an e-mail with the copy of the wire transfer, in order to check its receipt with our bank.
Warranty, shop online, buy online nursery equipment, furniture sales greenhouses, flower and plants shops

Warranty, shop online, buy online nursery equipment, furniture sales greenhouses, flower and plants shops
Contact Us > Warranty Warranty 1) Online orders All orders made by are ruled according to the Italian Legislative Decree n. 185 dated 22nd May 1999 concerning the consumers’ protection for remote agreements and according to the Italian Legislative Decree n. 70 dated 09th April 2003, relating to the e-commerce.
Agri Garden è Natali is renewed with Orlandelli solutions

Agri Garden è Natali is renewed with Orlandelli solutions
Design > Testimonial > Agri Garden è Natali is renewed with Orlandelli solutions Agri Garden è Natali is renewed with Orlandelli solutions Today we are with Claudia Natali, owner of "Agri Garden È Natali" in Pescia, in the province of Pistoia (Tuscany), for a short interview about her Agri Garden and the renovation project that has just [...]
Flowershop “Fiori Fiori” – Borgo Buggiano

Flowershop “Fiori Fiori” – Borgo Buggiano
Design > Testimonial > Flowershop “Fiori Fiori” – Borgo Buggiano Flowershop “Fiori Fiori” – Borgo Buggiano In a small village in Tuscany, a few kilometres from the famous location of Pescia, last 5 th February was inaugurated the shop "Fiori e Fiori". The management of “Fiori e Fiori” store, after a careful analysis of that what market offers, [...]
Viveros del Valle renews for plants and flowers

Viveros del Valle renews for plants and flowers
Design > Testimonial > Viveros del Valle renews for plants and flowers Viveros del Valle renews for plants and flowers Viveros del Valle è un Garden Center situato a Malaga (Spagna), membro del gruppo Aliat, che recentemente ha ampliato il proprio spazio espositivo dando vita ad una nuova serra esterna  interamente [...]
Os novos carrinhos DC com kit de luzes C-LED

Os novos carrinhos DC com kit de luzes C-LED
Esta técnica consiste na introdução de um pequeno ramo, chamado garfo, retirado de uma planta selecionada pelo seu elevado desempenho produtivo e qualitativo, na parte hipogeal ou tronco de uma planta menos produtiva mas mais rústica, ou seja, resistente às condições do solo e às doenças que se [...]

Where Florviva Lancianofiera Chieti, Italy GPS coordinates TomTom Navigator and similar: LAT= 42.230629 N - LON= 14.390569 E Garmin, eTrex and similar: LAT= 42° 13'.8372 N - LON= 14° 23'.4342 E
FLORMART - International gardening and nursery gardening show

FLORMART - International gardening and nursery gardening show
Tommaseo 59 Padova Italy GPS coordinates TomTom Navigator and similar: LAT= 45.414119 N - LON= 11.887537 E Garmin, eTrex and similar: LAT= 45° 24'.8472 N - LON= 11° 53'.2524 E
IPM Dubai

IPM Dubai
Where Images and Video IPM Dubai Airport Expo Dubai Dubai, United Arab Emirates GPS coordinates TomTom Navigator and similar: LAT= 25.237599 N - LON= 55.380807 E Garmin, eTrex and similar: LAT= 25° 14'.2554 N - LON= 55° 22'.8486 E Here is a selection of images of the Organizzazione Orlandelli stand at IPM Dubai 2008.
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