A store renewal has to be an innovation that goes beyond the favorable or unfavorable economical situation. Invest in our companies is essential in order to remain on the market and develop the business… with success!
Every store improvement should be made considering the company financial resources and always taking into consideration the whole available sales area trying to adjust, or totally replacing, the previous layout.
So, what should we do to create a particular area, a different environment, an area that will
attract the customer's attention and increase the sales?
The advice we can give is to work on a new layout, in line with available budgets, which allows us to have a vision of what we actually want to achieve.
We have experienced that the majority of the customers prefer to prudently proceed "step by step", especially when restoring large surfaces. That’s absolutely ok but still look after professional help.
Quite often the thought of “do it yourself” leads to insufficient results that don’t match the investment you faced. That’s why we recommend using external experts. Relying on specialists, like
Entergreen – a company in the Orlandelli group- you will be able to transform your wishes into a professional layout. Besides you will receive professional and strategic answers. Partnering with Entergreen will open the path that leads to the maximum efficiency of your business.
The Orlandelli Group and its technical department can transform, furnish and complete the area, or the location, you would like to improve, by using functional elements particular manufactured for pot plants and flowers and, still respecting your budget!
Another key note that has to be mentioned is the source of the materials, well note, always in respect to the eco-sustainability.
The choice of fixtures made with eco-friendly materials, such as the collection "
Julia wood line", is a good example. Julia is a line designed by
Organizzazione Orlandelli and made from PEFC certified wood that guarantees that the wood is not coming from wild deforestation.
The renovation and retrofitting practices of existing buildings heritage characterize for decades a large proportion of the construction industry of the European countries.
Therefore, as it’s happening for a long time in the construction industry, also in the floriculture it’s important to invest carefully in order to be able to reverse the negative trend.
The global and critical economical situation and the feeling of insecurity that follow the current growth, should lead us further towards the changes and improvements.
The investment can be done in a rational way and the renovations divided into different steps – if necessary. We may not pull back, stay still and fall into the inactivity trap.